Weekly Update #14

Monday January 10

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@enter.artPUBLISHED 10TH JANUARY 2022

Hi everyone! 👋

Our beloved development team is finally back at full capacity and we are thrilled to see that most of the challenges we experienced last week are now solved. 2022 has now officially started in the enterverse!

We are pleased to announce that we will have two new Solidity developers on our team. This will significantly speed up our web3 development process and give more space for enter to grow.

💰 Buyback
We know you have been waiting for an update regarding the buyback fee and how it will be spent on DeFi. Today we bought back NFTART from the market for 6 BNB, paired it with another 6 BNB, and added it to the LP farm on Autoshark. Over the course of 3 months we can expect a ROI of around 75-80% with the current FINS prices. All FINS earned from farming will be reinvested into buyback and DeFi.

On another note, the NFTART treasury has received 16 DShare as a part of our partnership deal with Dibs. We will be staking & compounding these in dibs.money and spending the profits on more buyback and DeFi investments for NFTART.

📈 Milestones & stats

23 000 subscribers on Reddit

33800 members on Discord

2000 artists on enter!

✔ Quality of life update

- Missing transaction history fixed

- Error when listing/unlisting NFTs fixed

📸Instagram is back!  

We finally got a hold of Instagram and are finally back, after being shut down by mistake.
Give @enterNFT a follow for artist showcases and incoming drops from the enterverse!

💬enter team talk!

We have started to gather questions and prepare for a talk with the enter team. The talk will be streamed on the 22nd of January 18:00 CET. Ask questions about anything you might wonder in Discord or send them to enter.help to get them answered by the team. We’ll try our very best to have anyone relevant to your questions on board to answer.

📖 Blog posts  

Understanding Impermanent Loss:

How NFTs are revolutionizing the music industry:

✨ Collections

Hairy Harry the Mermaid - Mettoz

Crazy Mice - Kuldeep_singh

Batboy - Nikorn_sathuchat

Fallen_Apocalypticas 500 Goreillaz are sold out on the first hand market! 💎

🎬 Live stream

You can still watch the community experience live stream with LuvCraft, Lucian Shye & Fotogra4bar on twitch.tv/enterdot


If you have a question you’d like addressed in the weekly updates, please direct them to our wonderful community team in Discord/Reddit or send a ticket to enter.help!

Q: Any updates on ambassadors and influencers?
A: We will give an update on the status of ambassadors and influencers in next week's update. 

Q: enter, can we have a big shill event every first week of the month? Or every 2 months? You guys can also share it on twitter. Just do a collab with artist/investor shilling. Is that possible?
A: Yes - we can! Stay tuned in the beginning of February, and keep the community building suggestions coming. 

News from the enterverse

Wondering what the state of the enterverse is? Here you can stay up to date on the latest developments and news from enter.

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Governance: Achieving reliable decision-making through diversity and numbers

In this article, we dive into a bit of social epistemology and explore how large numbers, individual reliability, and diversity play a part in ensuring reliable governance in the enterverse.


Weekly Update #35

Tuesday June 7


Community Newsletter #15 - December 2023

The holiday season is closing in, and we’re thrilled to reveal some of the plans in store for the enter community in December! More art contests, community spaces, and giveaways are all on the menu. Did anyone say Secret Santa?
