Community Newsletter Q1 2024

Halfway through Q1 and, wow, does time fly or what? We’re building and prepping for the coming releases and drops and can assure you that a lot is happening behind the scenes. logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 16TH FEBRUARY 2024

We're stoked about the journey ahead and have a bunch of activities planned to build hype. We hit a slow patch earlier in the quarter, but we've shifted gears and are now all set to bring you a time packed with releases and excitement. 💜

February & March community activities

Art contest
New art contest is coming up! Theme and prizes TBA in the coming week. 

NFT Flipper Collector contest
We're setting the stage to honor the top NFT collectors and traders on enter in March. We will measure this by volume traded, and reward the most active traders with $50 in $ENTER. Additionally, artists leading in sales will be rewarded, with more details to be revealed as the month progresses.

Join us on a quest to spread the word about the enterverse and our upcoming releases. The coming quests will be centered around bringing volume and activity to the marketplaces and communities and bringing in new members to the ecosystem. Look out for upcoming quests on the enter Zealy! 

Alpha Group
This week, we shared the news of an upcoming gated group where members will get alpha, giveaways and WL opportunities and access to token and NFT launches beyond the enter ecosystem. Members will also get access to a variety of tools for trading and learning like bots, documentation, etc. Keep an eye out this week as the first roles will be given out in the enter Discord server to OGs and community contributors!

Better together Starting in march
A collective endeavor to bolster our social media presence, reach, and engagement within the web3 realm. This collective campaign is predicated on the belief that united efforts can achieve a more substantial impact at an accelerated pace compared to individual endeavors. From daily interactions on each other's posts to fostering relationships within and beyond our ecosystem, our goal is to amplify personal brands while fostering communal growth. Enters diverse collective comprising builders, artists, investors, collectors, and creatives possesses a wealth of knowledge, creativity, and perspectives to share. This initiative aims to highlight and support each members unique contributions, ensuring everyone can distinguish themselves in the crowd. Participants will be equipped with resources, documentation, tips, etc. Playbook coming

X space 
Date not confirmed
We will be hosting another space on X in the coming month and are in the process of finalizing the details. We wiill announce the date on X as soon as everything is in place.

Be on the lookout for Nitro, tips and other perks given out to the contributing members in Discord🔥

Art highlights

Bilde 07.11.2020, 14 54 18 (1).jpg

Vibrant art by Chano, Photofan and Luvcraft is up for grabs on

Bilde 07.11.2020, 14 54 18 (1).jpg

New CryptoFoxes by Fox_leader

Bilde 07.11.2020, 14 54 18 (1).jpg

Two sides of a story by Luvcraft

Artists featured in the header: 


We'll be sharing more info about all of the above activities and have some alpha coming throughout the month. Stay engaged, and let's continue to build and thrive together🫡

Join the fun - LFG! 🎉

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News from the enterverse

Wondering what the state of the enterverse is? Here you can stay up to date on the latest developments and news from enter.

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