Monthly Recap #1 - August 2022

What's happened in the enterverse the last month? Let's take a look, in the very first monthly recap! logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 31ST AUGUST 2022

Dear friends of the enterverse,

Fall is approaching fast, and the summer has been full of excitement here at enter. The last month has been focused on the release and optimization of, our biggest development project so far. To celebrate, followers of the journey towards the release, have been airdropped NFTs from the very first official enter collection - enter the ecosystem. Read the announcement here for all the details!

On Social Media, we’ve been delighted to share more of’s brand identity, newly added collections from the enterverse and beyond, and a listing competition where participants had the chance to win 1000$ in AVAX

We started off August by announcing that we will no longer be posting weekly updates. Instead, we’re refocusing our communication with Monthly Recaps, as well as in-depth announcements upon project and feature releases. Get the full scope of what to expect in the last weekly update


Since the launch of Beta, the dev team has been working hard on implementing the key features that will propel’s impact in the NFT space on Avalanche. Alongside common bug fixes and optimization, the most important features implemented are the new filtering system and the implementation of on-chain offers. 

New filtering system: 

The filtering system allows collectors and investors to see the exact projects they’re looking for, by enabling you to quickly sort through relevant collections based on the criteria that matter to you.

Filtering in the Explore section:

In the Explore section you will find several filtering options:

Filter by listing type: Auction, listed & not listed.

Sort by popularity, activity, price, and title. 

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Filtering inside Collections:

Are you looking for a particular trait of your favorite collectible? 

On the collection profile, you’ll find the same filters as in the explore section, with an extra layer. Click Traits in the Filter bar, to find the trait you are looking for!

On-Chain Offers:

You can now make direct offers on-chain on, as well as and With our previous offer system, making an offer meant opening a dialogue between the buyer and seller, where the NFT would have to be re-listed for the agreed-upon price. With the new offer system, gas fees and steps involved in an offer are cut significantly:

On-chain offers are binding. If you make an offer that the seller accepts, a transaction is automatically made, and the NFT is yours. No more haggling and no extra steps of unlisting and relisting!

General changelog - August
  • Listed NFTs now appear first in the collection view 
  • Emails are not required for collectors anymore
  • Added Featured PFP NFTs section to the front page 
  • Added logos & banners to all collections
  • Replaced the NFT creator (wallet address) on NFT cards with the name of the collection
  • Added filters & sorting to collections 
  • Lowered the suggested gas fees when listing or buying NFTs 
  • Added link options to collection pages. Collections can now add links to Telegram, Discord, Twitter, Instagram & their own website. 
  • On-chain offers improvements 
  • Added the possibility to cancel offers from the offers tab on profiles
  • Minor UI improvements and changes 
  • Added a new placeholder design for unrevealed NFTs from collections that don’t have their own unrevealed design 
  • Added to the website
  • Added wrapped Avax to the wallet interface
  • Added the possibility to wrap & unwrap Avax from the wallet
  • Bug fixes

Twitter Spaces

We finished up July with a great Twitter space, focusing on the development and release of The first week of September, we’re kicking off another Twitter space for everyone who might have missed out on the one in July. Hosted by enter ambassador JPOart, we’re inviting several team members as well, to have a chat about the release so far, and our plans with the marketplace moving forward. We’re looking forward to getting together with the community again, answering your questions, and kicking off this fall season with a bang!

As a part of our new update strategy with monthly recaps instead of weekly updates, we released a new forum for feedback and suggestions from the community - Here, the community can input their suggestions, and vote on whatever suggestions they might find beneficial for the growth of enter. The suggestions are continuously being reviewed by the team, and we’ve already picked up some great ideas that are in the works. Keep them coming, and make sure to give a bump to your favorite ones!

NFT highlights 


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New collections from the enterverse and beyond are continuously added to If you haven’t checked in for a little while, we’ve gathered some of the newest additions for your enjoyment!

Bilde 07.11.2020, 14 54 18 (1).jpg & announcements in Web3

We’ve covered tons of interesting topics on in August, spanning everything from crypto news to artist highlights. The ball is also rolling over at Coinmarketcap Community, where we will continue to share relevant articles to spread the word of enter and $NFTART!

Blog articles from enter and our wonderful community of guest writers

CMC Articles from enter

News from the enterverse

Wondering what the state of the enterverse is? Here you can stay up to date on the latest developments and news from enter.

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enter 2.0 - The big update

The biggest update to enter yet introduces the BEP-1155 token standard. Read this article to get an overview of the new opportunities this opens up for artists and collectors.


DAOs Can Now Apply for ENTER Vote Delegation

We're thrilled to announce that we're ready to embark on the exciting next phase in the implementation of the ENTER protocol; It’s time to extend a warm invitation to DAOs to participate in the governance of the ENTER Protocol.


Community Development #2 - October & November 2022

Our community is the heart of the enterverse, and we wouldn’t be here without you guys! With that in mind, let’s take a look at what activities we’ve got in store for October and November in the enterverse.
