Meet W3C3: Creator & Collectors Community

With a mission of spreading the love of NFTs from the digital realm to the real world, W3C3 is a force to be reckoned with. From MODES OF DIALOGUE to CONNECTING WORLDS, let’s explore the team behind the project, and their motivations to keep building. logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 24TH OCTOBER 2023

For those of us who live and breathe the digital on the daily, enjoying art through our personal devices and relishing them on digital ledgers has become the norm. However, it is no secret that standing side by side with your frens or even strangers in an actual museum, where you are all captivated by an artwork you're savoring in the flesh, is a vastly different experience that may create a much different bond between you and your fellow viewer. 

So, how can we continue to build the bridge between the digital Web3 sphere and the physical art world as a collaborative project, without major capital backing or established museums creating the venues for us? 

This is what W3C3, the growing creators & collectors community behind the recent MODES OF DIALOGUE Exhibition, is currently on a mission to find out. Founded by three of the enterverse's most passionate artists, Cris "Luvcraft" Frickenschmidt, Roger Cadiz, and Cédric Debled, W3C3 is a force to be reckoned with on the path towards more NFT exposure in the real world.

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Meeting eye to eye and sharing pure human moments is (for many) far more affirmational than sharing similar experiences online. As the Web3 art scene hunger for IRL connections and exploration of art in the physical world, building bridges between creators and collectors who share similar values and ideas is therefore more important than ever; Particularly for those eager to build steady foundations for collective growth beyond the Web3 space on X, Discord and insider group chats.

Let’s dive into W3C3’s mission, what you can expect from the upcoming CONNECTING WORLDS exhibition, and the ideas that inspire the collective to keep building in both bull and bear. 

Going above and beyond 

The backbone of all good things in Web3 is the connection between creators, collectors, and enjoyers, and W3C3’s mission is to create a space for exactly that. By curating real-life-exhibitions and providing a platform for emerging creators to showcase their work, they are lowering the barrier of entry for artists eager to present their works. 

With inclusivity at the forefront, W3C3 is shifting the focus of traditional art exhibitions from “What art school did you graduate from and where have you previously been exhibited”, to “What creations of yours need to be seen by the broader public?”. 

With their regular Twitter spaces, digital exhibitions, and the W3C3 Discord, they are also creating a digital platform offering the opportunity to connect and engage with the community on a global scale. Exchanging knowledge, creative input, and resources with those wanting to dabble in Web3 stands at the heart of it all. 

As multi-disciplinary artist, musician, and W3C3 founder Roger Cadiz beautifully phrases it:

“W3C3 to me is a safe place where creators, collectors, and investors come together, united by a shared passion for art and innovation. It's a place where true builders have the chance to grow together.

By cutting out the middleman and building real connections, artists have the option to carve out a career for themselves. This is what I really missed after 15 years in the music industry. The freedom to build from my own vision is a message that I love to spread all over the world.

To do this with some OG brothers from Enter, I'm honored to combine forces and provide artists with a platform to perform, create, and earn.”

Combining forces in bull and bear

The trio behind W3C3 has been creating in the space since 2021, and knows a thing or two about riding the rougher tides of the bear market; an important inspiration for the mission they have now set out to accomplish. While the bells and whistles of the euphoric 2021 NFT bubble might have simmered down, their passion for art and innovation has not. Multidisciplinary artist, tech wizz, and W3C3 founder Cris Frickenschmidt explains:

“My personal motivation for W3C3 was to create a strong voice in the web3 realm. A voice that draws its power from the collective of artists and the shared creative power. We find ourselves in a time where any single artist is fighting an uphill battle against the pressure of stumbling markets.

It is a physical and mental challenge that is hard to endure when on your own and I hate to see artists fighting amongst each other for the attention and support of the few still active collectors.
At the same time, we see talented artists' creations getting lost in a sea of randomly generated images that are flooding social media every day.

I had to find collaborators willing to take on the challenge of creating a team, work against the odds, find new ways and tactics to create more publicity, and put in the time and effort on a daily basis toward the common goal.”

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Having explored various marketplaces and NFT communities throughout the past two years, the trio have found a common ground and each other in the enterverse, where they all have been amazing contributors to the community, in each their own ways. Frickenschmidt elaborates:

“With Roger and Cédric, whom I like to call my brothers, we have created W3C3 and decided to focus on taking art beyond the realm of web3, to find and occupy walls for not only our art to be seen, but for all our members. We want to showcase the immense creative potential that lies within our community while helping every artist enhance their visibility.

Another focus for us lies in the enterverse itself. This is the ecosystem we met in, the place where we got to know most of our members really well. We are not only valuing and supporting „all things enter“ - we also have a firm belief in the good intentions and great vision of the team.

With the coming Project Symbiosis and especially the governance system starting in a few months we are determined to be an amplifier for the artist’s collective voice - in this case voting power.

The enterverse is all about art - so are we.

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Glimpse of W3C3 team, artists and enter artist team uniting during MODES OF DIALOGUE. 

The strength of diversity 

The strength of W3C3, much like the general Web3 space, lies in the diversity of the group; Each individual’s different creative background feeds beautifully into the common goal of the collective. Despite having their base in very different artistic backgrounds and even countries, they meet at the crossroads of creativity, and quite symbolically, their exhibitions are hosted at the crossroads of their respective countries, The Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium (we’ll get into that a bit later on).

On the topic of diversity in the group, traditional artist and W3C3 founder Cédric Debled, shares his thoughts on the project: 

“As a co-founder of W3C3, I work alongside my friends and colleagues whom I have met both in the web3 community and in real life. I see my role as one of the three vital pillars (like a table leg) to help stabilize and strengthen an organization. I am 1 out of 3, which also greatly contributes to decision-making.

My part of the mission involves creating a platform, encompassing both digital and physical spaces, where collectors and creators can showcase their art to foster desired growth.” 

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Debled is known for his stunning paintings and mixed media NFTs, as well as for being a well-versed educator within the field of traditional art techniques. If you’ve already explored W3C3 on, you might have noticed his distinct style shining through on the W3C3 genesis-collection NFTs, each holding their own unique artwork from one of the three founders inside. 

“My primary responsibility is to support or create the visual aspects required for our collaborative initiatives. I am a strong advocate for authenticity and unconventional art, which aligns with our mission. I prioritize craftsmanship over easy, fast, and cheap solutions.

I firmly believe in the three distinct qualities that we all bring to the table, working together with our expanding community to achieve our goals.

Just so you know, many called me C3, but that is not why we chose that name.

I'm 1/3rd of the brotherhood... Not 1/2.

Cause W3 is not the name of Roger or Cris.

You see? 

No, "We see“ “

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Past and upcoming exhibitions / How can you participate?

As we’ve discovered, W3C3’s primary focus at the moment is IRL exhibitions at the intersection of their artistic backgrounds and respective home bases. Their first expo, MODES OF DIALOGUE, held in the historical town of Maastricht NL, showcased an international lineup of emerging creators with a mix of digital screens, beautiful prints, and original paintings to a broad audience. 

Many had their very first encounter with NFTs during the expo, and got the chance to learn more in chats with the artists themselves; A testimony to the fact that adopting new NFT art enthusiasts by reaching beyond the digital is an important endeavor for the wider expansion of NFT appreciation. 

W3C3’s upcoming exhibition, CONNECTING WORLDS, aims to take exactly that a step further. This time, the creative journey will take us to the lovely city hall of Ridderkerk NL, from November 25th, until December 27th, 2023. 

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The space has throughout the times been used by the locals to enjoy public art, and with its rich history of hosting a broad variety of collections throughout the year, the venue is the perfect place to introduce the wonders of NFTs to a whole new audience:

“Our chosen venue is no ordinary space; it's a place of prestige and cultural significance. With a steady 2500 walk-in visitors a month, it's the perfect canvas to showcase the artistic beauty our community creates.” 

Like its predecessor, the expo will feature a fusion of physical and digital art. 

“This not only widens the palette of exhibits but also makes it more affordable for our members to have a chance to come along without having the opportunity to bring in physical pieces.

We also will reserve a physical spot for one artist that will be curated by us, which will get a free spotlight.”

To learn more about W3C3, CONNECTING WORLDS, and how you can partake in this creative journey, check out the website, and don't forget to sign up to have a chance to get the free spotlight if you’re an artist eager to present your work in Ridderkerk this winter!

Artist Highlights & Drops

Want to know who is behind your favourite NFTs? In this section you get to meet the artists of the enterverse and stay up to date on the latest NFT drops.

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