Meet the Strays

Stray What? Meet the genesis collection of enterNFTlabs and partake in a whole new story-driven experience. You are in for a ride… logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 30TH APRIL 2023

“The Strays find themselves in darkness, only accompanied by vague memories of events long past.

The notion that they somehow serve a higher purpose is looming, and as they break free from their chains, they quickly find themselves on a path to rediscover the lost memories of the past. While it is still too early to pinpoint where they are, who they are, and where they're going, it’s certain that the Strays are in for an interesting journey filled with discovery and intrigue, and the path may twist and turn in any direction.

As the Strays awake and start roaming the world, they’re going to need a friend to help them make sense of everything. Maybe that’s you?”

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Welcome to a journey of exploration, wonder, and creative storytelling as the Strays are unleashed from their chains to find their path of purpose and self-discovery. 

The Strays mark the beginning of a new chapter, embracing the mysterious, twisted, and fun spirits of web3 with 100 unique Strays looking to find their home. As we press play on the story of the Strays, they have no recollection of where they come from, why they’ve been trapped, or where they’re going as they’ve finally been released out in the open. 

Mint April 28 on 

Mint price 550 billion $NFTART or 3 AVAX

Reveal May 1 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕

“I open my eyes and look around - it’s been dark for so long that my eyes can barely adjust to the light. The world is unfamiliar, and I’m hounded by the feeling that something’s off - something’s missing. No matter how hard I try to remember, the memories of my past are gone for now. Perhaps it’ll come to me? For now, I know I’m alone, abandoned and painfully aware of the fact that I’m a stray. Maybe there’s something here that can help me remember where I belong.“

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By unleashing a Stray, you unlock...

... Whitelist to all future mints by enterNFTlabs

... Access to the secret token-gated Stray chat in discord

... Exclusive hodler-only experiences like discounts & perks for upcoming events (IRL & Digital)

... And more

What now? Meet your Stray by revealing it 🧬 

So, you've adopted your Stray and can't wait to meet it... From May 1 you can reveal your Stray on

1. Connect your wallet to in the top right corner

2. Find your Stray on your profile and click it

3. Find the option to refresh metadata in the top right corner and unleash your Stray  

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In an age of magic, whispers foretold

Of one hundred spirits, a secret to unfold

Their purpose unclear, a mystic veneer

In hushed tones, they murmured, "The reveal is here"

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Artist Highlights & Drops

Want to know who is behind your favourite NFTs? In this section you get to meet the artists of the enterverse and stay up to date on the latest NFT drops.

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Meet the artist: Kner

In this weeks meet the artist, we get to know the creator of some of the most vibrant collections on - Pyramon and Inner circle. Kner takes us through the hoops of his creations, inspiration and challenges in the NFT space, a must read for collectors and creators alike!


Meet the artist - Flembaz

Electronic music duo from Portugal


A year of art on enter

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