Meet the artist: NFTpixels

This week, we’re meeting the creator of Untitled and some of enters most popular NFTs - Nftpixels. Who is he, and what excites him the most about working in the digital space? Let’s find out! logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 12TH JULY 2022

Web3 is full of creative people and builders, whose vision for creative collaboration pushes boundaries further and faster than ever before. We’re proud to be housing many of these wonderful artists on, and one that definitely has made his mark is NFTpixels aka Rein. Specializing in affordable pixel art, he has quickly become one of the best-selling artists on enter, with a broad range of everything you can imagine - drawn pixel by pixel. Whether you need a simple illustration of how to make cupcakes, you’d like your very own running Dino, or you’re more interested in complexly detailed illustrations, NFTpixels has an NFT for it. 

NFTpixels was one of the first artists on enter to dabble with the concept of freebies, and his 42-page long transaction history shows that his NFTs have made their way to quite a few collector wallets out there. He is not only a passionate artist though, but also a skilled developer who’s eager to connect the dots with immense passion. If you’ve ever had the pleasure of checking out one of Myownverse’s galleries, you’ve already experienced some of his work, as he’s been a great part of the project’s development over the last year. 

Coming in hot, is his upcoming game Untitled, a p2e platform game, where you can buy the characters as NFTs on! We’ve already tested the beta (a total blast, by the way!) and can’t wait to see the full game go live. While we wait, we thought it was about time that we got to know NFTpixels a little better. An inspiring guy with a lot to offer - let’s get right to it! 

Who is NFTPixels?

I am a developer, musician and BIG animal lover! Some might say I’m addicted to green tea & Americanos, but it’s strictly professional.

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What is your background?

I’m originally from South Africa, but am now living in New Zealand. I grew up building computers and playing Counter Strike before eventually delving into hosting servers for LAN parties.

I’m professionally qualified as a Network & Software Engineer, but like to think that I’m very creative, hence using my knowledge to develop games and other experiences instead.

The intricacy in some of your pixel art is amazing - can you tell us a bit about your creative process?

My pixel art is inspired by real life imagery or moments with my best friend and fiance. Revathy plays a big role in helping me with envisioning my art, but don’t get me wrong, I’m not perfect. Some of my pieces have over 70 revisions before minting them for the community. My memories and emotion can play a big role in the NFTs that I choose to create as well.

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Infinite Platformer - 1/1 Exclusive, currently only available per offer.

Your transaction history says it all - why do you think your NFTs are so popular?

Ha ha I actually ask myself that same question all the time! Perhaps because my take on pixel NFTs is slightly more unique and not actually computer generated. Each iteration is manually created, click by click. I also tend to add as much utility to my NFTs as I can, attempting to make it feel like more than just a minted image. That’s just my own opinion though. 

You’re also an incredibly skilled developer - can you tell us a bit about how you’ve gotten to where you are now?

Oh boy! Where do I start? I’ve been developing games since I was a teenager, and even prior to that I was setting up servers for all sorts of multiplayer games. I can humbly tell you that I’m not better than the next developer in any way. We’re all capable of amazing things, it’s purely about how driven you are to learn something new and get outside of your comfort zone. If I look back, I have faced so much adversity to be where I am today, to know what I know today. I’d like to share one bit of wisdom:

“It takes vision and courage to create - it takes faith and courage to prove. Resist your fear; fear will never lead you to a positive end. Go for your faith and what you believe.”

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Lost Civilization - 1/1 Exclusive, currently only available per offer.

What excites you about working in the digital sphere?

The fact that you can create absolutely ANYTHING! If you can imagine it, you can create it! There is a ton of opportunity out there.

How did you get into NFTs? Can you tell us a bit about your journey in the space?

NFTs got my attention back in 2020 when there were mentions of tokens on the blockchain. Gary V actually did a big talk about it and I sort of got interested in the idea at the time, but gas fees were very high for Ethereum, so it made no sense to pursue that. Although when came along, I pursued the idea of NFTs with the low gas fees making things a lot more attractive! Haven’t looked back since.

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Untitled Platformer - Exclusive Playable Characters for increased rewards in Untitled, get yours on!

Untitled is one of the most exciting projects in the enterverse right now. We’d love to hear all about it!

I’m glad you asked about Untitled, but I fear there’s not enough space on this page to mention the whole story, so I’ll keep it brief ha ha!

Untitled was conceived the day that a university friend challenged me to solve a physics problem within Unity where a ball wasn’t being tracked across a server correctly. At that time, while we were pushing this ball around, the idea of Untitled struck me - A competitive real-time multiplayer platformer.

Not only would Untitled break loose from the ties of other Play2Earn games with all their fees, limitations and other catches, but it would be integrated with and make use of the low gas fees to mint exclusive characters and assets in the future!

The vision right from the beginning was to create a safe and inviting community to showcase that NFTs can be used for more than just trading. We wanted to be the first project on enter with actual, rewarding utility.

We do not take advantage of our users' attention and adopt mindful working practices so that we can create safe spaces both in our working environment and in our product itself.

We can’t wait to release the full game for everyone in due time!

You can go check it out here:

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Untitled - The Chicken - 1/1 Exclusive, currently only available per offer.

You’re obviously always busy developing, what’s next on the menu for NFTpixels? 

My schedule has been quite full as of late with the beta release of Untitled, but over the next few weeks I’ll be working on MyOwnVerse and the primary hub for all the new galleries. There’s a big update on the way over there so it’s time for me to switch from 2D to 3D development again for a while as we integrate some new features. 

What made you decide to mint your works on enter? How has your experience been so far?

enter was the primary reason I delved into the NFT market in the first place. You opened up an opportunity to experiment within the industry without bankrupting myself with all the high gas fees of other platforms.

I saw a really professional and mature vision within the community, and getting to know the staff over the last year has been amazing. I strongly believe that is the gateway to NFTs for all new retail investors.

Thank you for all the hard work that the team has put in over the last year. 

Make sure to check out NFTpixels and follow the journey of amazing NFTs, as well as the upcoming game Untitled that is currently in Beta!

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