Community Newsletter #5 - February 2023

Quests, Quests, Quests and a lot of love for $NFTART! It’s been a great month to be an enter community member. In the Community Newsletter of February, we take a look at some of the success stories of January as well as the activities that await us in the coming weeks. logo

We’re really excited to see our community bursting with activity and creative endeavours in the last month! If you caught our previous community newsletter, you already know how we’re shaking things up in the enterverse and it's already showing amazing results!

Let’s now dive into February and what we have in store!

🗺 January quests success!

We introduced quests to the enterverse for the first time in November, if you’re still not familiar with the d2e concept, feel free to check out our quest blog. Since then, we’ve had several quests, and don’t plan to stop anytime soon. 

We launched a Crew3 board mid January, and it’s been a huge success! Our communities and social media accounts have boosted tremendously with activity from new and old crypto and NFT enthusiasts. Discord activity increased 100%, and we’ve seen a big increase in joins and posts in our Subreddit. We jumped over 800 members on Facebook, and our groups reach is off the charts! 

So far, there’ve been several investments in $NFTART in an effort to obtain the NFTART Hodler and Whale role in our Discord server for the quest! The token tasks have also brought new farmers, smol and beeg, staking NFTART-BNB pcsv2 LP tokens in our farm!

If you missed it, we launched our merch store this month, and the winning entry from our previous merch design contest can be purchased on a cool hoodie or t-shirt! We had a merch focused quest that was soft dropped at the end of the month (this is your hint to check for quests frequently!). It ended today, and brought thousands of questers together to help share our new drop!

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Continuation of the crew3 board

If you haven’t joined us in our quest on the current Crew3 board, you still have time!

New and exciting tasks are frequently being added to the quest board. If you’re active in the enter $NFTART Discord server, you’ll be the first to know when a new task drops! We won’t spoil too much, but on this board you’ll see new creative tasks such as Discord emoji and sticker creation, as well as $NFTART targeted tasks. 

enter is all about encouraging and embracing creativity! We want to see everyone putting effort into relevant tasks. This is especially important when communities spread the word about projects they support, the first impression is the most important! Low quality submissions to the quest will be rejected.

As a reminder, this board ends on February 15th, and 10 awesome questers will take home some cool prizes, including a Ledger Nano x, merch, tokens and more!

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Photo credits: Ridsect

Submission Highlights

We’ve had some pretty cool content created and submitted in the past weeks. Check out some of our favourites on Instagram here and here, and a great Youtube short below:

New Crew3 board

With focus on introducing new members to the enterverse, drawing attention to our token and sparking your creativity with fun real world tasks, we will release a brand new Crew3 board this month. You’ll see fresh tasks and fresh prizes to keep you going!

Here are a couple tasks you can look forward to:

● enter Twitter takeover! We will drop some hot enter and $NFTART themed Twitter banners that you can use to show you’re in the enter army!

● Hang out with us in our Twitter Space! There will be two tasks for this one - one for joining in, and one for jumping on stage with us!

enter.merch quest - that’s your only hint, you might need to prepare!

🤑 Love for $NFTART

The sentiment in the crypto space and our community has been in a positive uptrend this month. In turn, $NFTART saw some nice buy pressure. As mentioned above, we had an increase in farmers joining our farm as well!

Voting for our token on the respective sites is important to show current and potential investors how we feel about the project and push for trending so we expand our reach. This month, our Linktree stats increased by over 100%, with over a thousand votes combined daily, thanks to you guys!

We now have a fully functional blockchain dashboard for the $NFTART token on Vulkania. If you’re not familiar, it’s a site that gathers all information related to the cryptocurrency market. View our dashboard to boost us in the ranks. In turn we get more exposure both on and their social media.

If you aren’t already interacting with us on Stocktwits, you should be! Being the largest social network for investors and traders, it’s a great opportunity to introduce people to our project. Let everyone know that you’re feeling bullish and tag $NFTART.X

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🎙Twitter Spaces

We love chatting with you guys in Twitter Spaces! We will be hosting a Twitter Space later this month, focusing on NFTs, artists and collectors. Do you have a new collection coming out? Are you bullish on an NFT project that you want to talk about? We’d love to invite everyone and their frens to take the stage and share their journey in the world of NFTs so far, the floor is yours! Keep an eye out for an announcement containing more information.

Visit the enter the communities & Join the fun - LFG! 🎉

● Discord ● Reddit ● Telegram ● Facebook ● CoinMarketCap ● AstroSpaces

News from the enterverse

Wondering what the state of the enterverse is? Here you can stay up to date on the latest developments and news from enter.

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Weekly Update #32

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Yield farming with $NFTART

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