Community Newsletter #10 - July 2023

In this months Community Newsletter, we take a closer look at the community events in the enterverse for June. Keep reading to get the gist of everything from game nights and the announcement of Project Symbiosis to the 2-year anniversary of logo
@enter.artPUBLISHED 3RD JULY 2023

As we head into July, we still feel the waves of enthusiasm that the community expressed in June. Let’s take a quick look at what caused this, and also go into the plans for the month that’s about to be.

☯️ Project Symbiosis

The news about Project Symbiosis has most of us eagerly awaiting the launch of $ENTER and the introduction of ve Governance to the enterverse. This means that the bulk of the decision-making surrounding the protocol will be left to the community. Be sure to catch up on the details on our blogs, so you’re all set to help shape the path enterverse takes!

💜 2 Years of

July 1st marks the official launch date of and a huge milestone for the enter community! Time sure flies, and this month we can proudly celebrate two years of being a community with not just a vision but a platform that unites artists and collectors on BNB Chain. None of this would be possible without you guys supporting the project, each other, and the creative collaborations that blossom in the enterverse. Let’s keep the good vibes coming as we rise together until the bull returns again.

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👣 June Zealy Board

As has become the tradition, our quests are now collaborative brainstorming for task ideas.

We’ve always thought educating the community in crypto and web3 is important. Hence, the ‘Expand your Knowledge’ and ‘Quiz’ sections on this board covered various topics from NFT lingo, DeFi basics, blockchain mechanisms, and terminology. With the Web3 space moving so rapidly, it is essential to have our foundations in knowledge strong. 

The July Zealy Quests had tasks suggested by the community and some fun AI collaboration tasks. Let’s take a look at one of the gorgeous artpieces that came out of it:

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🗺 The New (last monthly) Zealy Board & Changes to Community Activities 

While we prepare to launch Project Symbiosis, which will enable new community incentive mechanisms, we will change how we utilize questing platforms like Zealy. We’ve had tons of fun with Zealy boards as a monthly community activity. However, the current quest board will be the last of its kind, so make sure to throw yourself in there for a last hurrah while you can!

If you enjoy questing as much as we do and feel a little stumped that this board is the last, fret not - our questing days are far from over. There will still be plenty of opportunities to create fun content, learn new things and participate in the growth of enter while earning rewards. New quests will arise revolving around new releases and campaigns in the ecosystem, but in a more focused format and with shorter timespans for participation. Until then, you’re hopefully having a blast with the fresh board, with beloved old tasks and new creative twists. 

The Quest Board for July went live on the 30th of June with quite a few different tasks. We now have timed Twitter tasks that can only be completed within the defined time, so you definitely want to keep a keen eye on these! We’re also celebrating all the gorgeous artwork on with a task to promote them on Twitter.

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With Project Symbiosis taking shape, we have also introduced quests to get our fam up to speed on Governance in Web3 and the roles that $ENTER, veENTER, and the Strays collection will play after launch. 

Through the Quest Creator task, our community has provided us with a treasure trove of new ideas for quests, and we shall be using some of them as inspiration to carve out new and engaging tasks.

There will also be fun new AI tasks and some Quiz tasks as we go along; stay tuned to catch them go live!

👀 Enteria Drop Stream

Enteria is an unfolding NFT collection that’s a collaboration between multiple artists and musicians of the enterverse. They are planning to make the 3rd drop of the series in July and to celebrate it with a stream on Discord. Tune in to witness the reveal of a new part of Enteria! The dates for the stream will be announced on Discord, and it will be tied with a Zealy quest for attendance. 

Streams such as these are an excellent way for our featured artists to reveal and showcase their work to our server’s large audience of NFT enthusiasts. We hope to see more of these in the future!

🕹 Community Game Night

We tried something special for the Game Night in June and let our community decide on the game we’d all play. We all voted and played SmashKarts, a fun Multiplayer Battle Arena game. Thanks to everyone who joined in on the fun. We hope to see you on the next one too.

Since we all enjoy getting together and playing fun games, we’re hosting another one in July. Like last time, we’ll vote on which game we will play. Stay tuned for the dates and more info on this!

🗣 Community Shilling

Apart from the quest tasks and Zealy XP for spreading important info about the enterverse, you all know that we love to organize shilling events through our battalion of Shill Army. In July, you can expect to be summoned for some special missions that will be time critical. If you’d like to earn some extra $NFTART while helping your community grow, ensure you have the Shill Army role and have your notifications on.

✨ Community Content Highlights

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